@article{oai:cygnus.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000049, author = {レヴィ, レイモンド and LEVY, Raymond}, issue = {72}, journal = {鳥取看護大学・鳥取短期大学研究紀要, MEMOIRS OF TOTTORI COLLEGE OF NURSING AND TOTTORI COLLEGE}, month = {Dec}, note = {The study of feedback in EFL presentation classes is slowly expanding, but one area that has not been receiving attention has been whether or not the amount of feedback has any effect on learners' grades. This study tracks learners' grades as well as the amount of feedback items they receive on specific criteria over the course of the semester and evaluates the changes of the grades relative to the number of comments in an attempt to determine a correlation. The results indicate that no such trend exists, but students felt that the giving and receiving of comments was worthwhile.}, pages = {29--38}, title = {ケーススタディ : ーEFLプレゼンテーションとフィードバックの効果ー}, year = {2015} }